Tag: games

Fortnite bans Yoda for turning into green spaghetti, crashing your game

Fortnite bans Yoda for…

Yoda is many things—a Jedi master and a master of the Ataru lightsaber form. A wise sage, who counselled…
Tekken 8’s newest cash shop skin commits the cardinal sin of forgetting Lili’s skirt lace, Harada reassures fans he’ll ‘request a fix from the costume team’ for his wrongdoings

Tekken 8’s newest cash…

Tekken 8's cash shop has been pretty heavily lambasted since its introduction back in March. The game's Steam rating…
Hades 2’s forget-me-not mechanic is so good that I think any game with a billion resources should be taking notes

Hades 2’s forget-me-not mechanic…

I have a problem, folks. In any game where there are a billion resources that can filter into a…
Crow Country review

Crow Country review

What is it? Survival horror from the days when CRTs made everything scarier (and fuzzier) Expect to pay: Developer:…
PSA: You can now earn four daily deepsight weapons in Destiny 2—here are the ones we recommend

PSA: You can now…

Destiny 2 is getting pretty generous in the run-up to The Final Shape. Alongside Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch…
Metaphor: ReFantazio is 100% shaping up to be medieval Persona and I cannot wait

Metaphor: ReFantazio is 100%…

With Metaphor: ReFantazio just five months away, there's been surprisingly little information for us to glean about Atlus' medieval…
Final Fantasy 14 suffers from global round of DDoS attacks, Square Enix ‘investigating the attack and taking countermeasures’

Final Fantasy 14 suffers…

Final Fantasy 14 has been undergoing a series of DDoS attacks over the last few days, causing players to…
As Arkane Austin falls to the shareholders, its masterpiece Prey, which ‘elevated immersive sims to a god-tier level’, is slashed in price by 80%

As Arkane Austin falls…

Like many PC gamers across the world, I was appalled when I heard about the shuttering of Arkane Austin…
Who can you invite to the Hades 2 hot tub?

Who can you invite…

The hub area of Hades 2 is the Crossroads, a junction between the surface and the underworld. While cosmetic…
Today’s Wordle answer for Wednesday, May 8

Today’s Wordle answer for…

If you're looking for the answer to today's Wordle you'll find it below, ready to turn a tough game…