
Tag: evil-dead-the-game

Evil Dead: The Game understands Evil Dead: The Movies better than I expected

Evil Dead: The Game…

I’ve spent a morning or two with Evil Dead, and from the off it’s looked the part. Sam Raimi’s…
Evil Dead: The Game Review – A groovy gore-fest, but something is missing

Evil Dead: The Game…

Evil Dead: The Game is an affectionate love letter to Sam Raimi’s horror franchise and its mass of loyal…
Tips for surviving and slaying in Evil Dead: The Game, out tomorrow

Tips for surviving and…

Evil Dead: The Game serves up some delightfully gruesome violence and over the top moments that make for a…
Method Man pairs love of horror with hip hop, releases new song for Evil Dead: The Game

Method Man pairs love…

Wu Tang Clan rapper and legendary lyricist, Method Man, is a pretty hardcore fan of The Evil Dead. The…