Tag: Cloud Imperium Games

Star Citizen is finally pushing towards the “finish line”

Star Citizen is finally…

Star Citizen is pushing towards the “finish line”. That’s according to Cloud Imperium Games’ CEO, Chris Roberts, who recently…
Star Citizen is finally pushing towards its 1

Star Citizen is finally…

After more than a decade of development time, it’s sounding like Star Citizen is finally nearing its 1.0 release.…
Star Citizen developer hit with layoffs amid claims of a “highly toxic company”

Star Citizen developer hit…

Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games has suffered layoffs amid unrest due to relocation and accusations of a “highly…
Star Citizen alpha 3

Star Citizen alpha 3.16…

Starting today, Star Citizen is going live with the Alpha 3.16 Return to Jumptown update – which is bringing…