Tag: battlefield-2042

Battlefield 2042’s only anti-tank rocket launcher is so poor, it’s beaten by a sniper rifle

Battlefield 2042’s only anti-tank…

Battlefield 2042 doesn’t currently the best vehicle meta. A lot of factors play into this, such as map size,…
This is why turning down graphic settings in Battlefield 2042 doesn’t do much – report

This is why turning…

One of the more consistent complaints about the PC version of Battlefield 2042 is how its performance varies greatly…
Battlefield 2042’s Hovercraft and Nightbird helicopter are being nerfed

Battlefield 2042’s Hovercraft and…

Following the disappointing worldwide launch of Battlefield 2042, DICE has revealed that it’s working on a number of fixes…
Battlefield 2042 is now one of the worst-reviewed games on Steam

Battlefield 2042 is now…

If you’re reading this page, you probably know our opinions on Battlefield 2042: our own Sherif has said that…
You can use Casper’s drone as a mobile healing unit in Battlefield 2042

You can use Casper’s…

When they’re not struggling with bugs and technical issues, Battlefield 2042 players are beginning to unravel the sandbox interplay…
Battlefield 2042 gets day one patch, but it doesn’t fix the game’s biggest problems

Battlefield 2042 gets day…

DICE has launched a new update for Battlefield 2042 this morning. Following one hour of maintenance, during which servers…
Battlefield 2042’s Dozer can glitch through buildings thanks to a new exploit

Battlefield 2042’s Dozer can…

Early Battlefield 2042 adopters, the ones playing since last Friday, have reported yet another thing that’s not working as…
DICE disables Proximity Sensors to fix Battlefield 2042 rubber banding, breaks other throwables

DICE disables Proximity Sensors…

DICE may be on the right track to figure out the cause of one of the most annoying problems…
Battlefield 2042 weapon attachments may not always do what they say

Battlefield 2042 weapon attachments…

It seems we can’t go a day without discovering one feature or mechanic that’s not doing what it’s supposed…
Battlefield 2042’s misaligned hitboxes is another reason why you keep missing shots

Battlefield 2042’s misaligned hitboxes…

As Battlefield 2042 players continue to grapple with the game’s multitude of design problems and technical issues, one in…