Tag: Annapurna Interactive

Stray is a wonderful game with a cat, not a cat game that’s wonderful

Stray is a wonderful…

Stray is the first game from French developer, BlueTwelve, and ultimately, it’s an incredibly impressive feat from the team.…
Make Stray multiplayer with this PC mod

Make Stray multiplayer with…

Thanks to the recent release of Stray, the internet is in no shortage of cat content. If this isn’t…
Stray’s robot language has been decoded, here’s what it means

Stray’s robot language has…

Stray is a cat simulator intertwined with a cyberpunk adventure, and as a result, the game is strewn with…
Stray modder taking commissions to let you play as your own cat

Stray modder taking commissions…

A Nexus Mods user is helping players add their purrfect protagonist to Stray on PC. Modder NorskPL is taking…
Stray is better than God of War, according to Steam users

Stray is better than…

Stray is the charming catventure from BlueTwelve Studios, and the adventurous indie has taken Steam by storm, to say…
Stray’s language has already been deciphered

Stray’s language has already…

Stray may have only recently been released, but someone has already deciphered the game’s mysterious language. This language uses…
Stray fan mod stars dog, for when you feline a change

Stray fan mod stars…

Stray has been out for almost a week, and inevitably the internet is modding the game’s playable cat-racter. Here’s…
Stray mod lets you play as America’s laziest cat, Garfield

Stray mod lets you…

Over a week ago, if you’d of mentioned ginger cats to me, my first thought would’ve been Garfield. Now,…
Stray had over 62,000 concurrent cat lovers playing on Steam within 24 hours of release

Stray had over 62,000…

Stray has only been available for three days, and has already seen its fair share of players on Steam.…
The animal kingdom is giving Stray multiple paws up

The animal kingdom is…

Stray has gotten off to an incredible start on Twitch and Steam, with player numbers skyrocketing since the game’s…