Super Mario Odyssey mod ups the Mario count with 10 player, online co-op

For all of you that have been clamouring for 10-player, online co-op for Super Mario Odyssey, today is your lucky day, because there’s now a mod for that.

What is Mario, if not just a little guy? He’s maybe one of the best little guys! Unfortunately, there is also only one of him on most occasions, but a new multiplayer mod from a group of fans seeks to change that (thanks, VGC). Simply titled Super Mario Odyssey Online, the mod allows for up to 10 players to hang out in the various kingdoms of the 2017 Nintendo title.

“Have fun exploring kingdoms with friends, playing game modes, or beating the game as fast as possible,” reads the trailer’s description. “This mod is still early in development, so expect bugs and unrefined aspects as we work hard to improve it and make the mod as polished as possible.”

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