Nintendo’s Switch Online game Super Mario Bros. 35 might be a “limited-time” release, but that hasn’t stopped it from regularly receiving updates.
With this in mind, version 1.0.2 has now been released – it makes a number of fixes and adjustments, and improves the overall gameplay experience.
Here are the full patch notes, courtesy of Nintendo’s official support page:
Ver. 1.0.2 (Released November 12, 2020)
General Fixes
-Fixed an issue where large numbers of enemies appearing on-screen would result in gameplay slowdown.
-Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, players were unable to throw fireballs underwater.
-Fixed an issue where a special input would enable players to unlock unopened courses.
-Treasure chest coin pool amounts are now displayed during spectator mode.
-Adjusted the sound effect that plays as shells or other objects rapidly bounce back and forth within a -single-block opening.
-Adjusted the speed-up timing of the countdown timer.
-Improved the overall gameplay experience.
The previous update, which was released in the first half of October, also fixed a number of issues with the game to enhance the experience.
Have you downloaded the latest update for Super Mario Bros. 35 yet? Noticed anything else? Leave a comment down below.