
Someone gets early access to Battlefield 2042, leaks a few things

Battlefield 2042‘s early access launch is only a few short days away, and one player has already managed to slip in ahead of everyone else. Reddit user Aaronfrogger said they pre-loaded the Xbox version, but were somehow able to get the pre-load unlocked, giving them full access.

Regardless of how believable this particular story is, Aaronfrogger did manage to snap a few screenshots of various areas of the game, including maps not seen in the beta, Portal mode, the game’s menus, as well as what looks to be the full set of weapons available at launch.

Assuming that what we’re looking at won’t be expanded with a day one patch, the list of weapons is particularly slim. With only four assault rifles, four SMGs, two LMGs, three DMRs, three shotguns, three sniper rifles, and three secondaries – it’s not a big list.

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