
Some people archive video games for a living – here’s what they feel about the state of game preservation

Before the Spyro Reignited Trilogy released in 2018, it came to light that series creator Insomniac Games didn’t have any of the trilogy’s original source code. So when there was a complete change of development staff and rights holder for Spyro with Toys For Bob and Activision, you’d think that creating a remastered collection would be an impossible task.

Toys For Bob developed a tool called “The Spyro Scope,” which allowed the team to pull data on each game from the original trilogy as it was running – giving them every variable they would need to stitch each title back together and tap into the authentic Spyro experience.

After release, Activision noted that the trilogy had a “successful launch,” and that it highlighted “the enduring nature of Activision’s classic franchises”. The everlasting economic power of nostalgia had been proven once again.

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