Say goodbye to mandatory space taxis as Elite Dangerous: Odyssey’s alpha enters Phase Two

Elite Dangerous players in the Odyssey alpha can finally wave a less-than-fond farewell to the expansion’s tortuous space taxis as Frontier embarks on Phase Two of its pre-release testing today, 8th April, giving Commanders access to their own ships for the first time.

Previously, Odyssey’s AI-piloted Apex Interstellar taxi service was the only way to get around the galaxy during the alpha, forcing players into an endless series of lengthy journeys with nothing much to do but stare out the window at the infinite expanse. Now, however, with the arrival of the alpha’s combat-focussed second phase, players can fly themselves around the available systems – touching down on planets for more of Odyssey’s centrepiece on-foot traversal along the way – as their whims take them.

To that end, Frontier is issuing all alpha testers (that is, anyone that’s pre-purchased Odyssey’s Deluxe Alpha Expansion) with a Cobra Mk III, complete with multi-crew seat, as well as 300,000 credits to spend as they choose. Additionally, Phase Two’s playable galaxy area has been expanded to approximately 20LY, with everyone now starting out in the Nervi system.

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