
Saints Row developers discuss the game’s reveal backlash, and bringing fans back to the series

Following my hands off preview of the Saints Row reboot, I sat down and chatted more with Volition developers Kenzie Lindgren (associate UX designer) and Damien Allen (principal designer). We covered a broad range of topics, including plenty on what’s new for this entry, but we started by discussing why Saints Row aficionados should come back to the series, despite its brand-new cast and setting.

“It definitely still feels like Saints Row – even if it’s not the same characters, even if it’s not the same setting, even if it’s not exactly the same as before – it feels like Saints Row,” Lindgren said.

“I feel that every single time I go into the game, whether that’s just customisation (because customisation is a huge part of it), whether that’s travelling around the city, whether that’s wing suiting and doing the missions, it feels like Saints Row. And I think that’s at least worth checking out if you’re an older player, but also for a newer player to discover that feeling for the first time.”

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