Resolution, Resurrection, Renewal? What will Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Part 3 be called?

So, Final Fantasy Remake Part 2 is real. It’s officially called Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and it’s coming ‘next Winter’. That gives us plenty of time to prepare by playing the newly-announced Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 remaster, getting primed on the story, and learning who Zack Fair is, and what he has to do with Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Red XIII and the extended Midgar crew.

But before we get to revisit the second part of the iconic Final Fantasy 7 story, we need to respond to some burning questions we have about the next title in the series. During the Final Fantasy 7 25th Anniversary stream, returning Square Enix director Yoshinori Kitase revealed that there’s a third game in the series already in development. We’ve had Remake, we’re getting Rebirth, and we’re expecting… something else. But what could it be called?

Now, we know that Tetsuya Nomura, Kitase and their Square Enix development team likes a little bit of wordplay. Look at the extended Final Fantasy 7 compilation and I’m sure you’ll notice a pattern: Advent Chrildren, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, Ever Crisis. See it? AC, BC, CC, DC, etc. Given that we’ve had Remake and Rebirth, to date, it stands to reason that the third game is going to be RE–something.

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