
Remember The Pokemon Company saying it was going to investigate Palworld? It seems nothing’s come of that yet

While there were plenty of armchair lawyers and some actual lawyers who were convinced that Palworld would end up in hot water with Pokemon and Nintendo due to percieved similarities between its pals and, well, Pokemon, PocketPair’s CEO has suggested that the studio is yet to recieve any formal indication of planned legal action from those parties.

If you’re out of the loop, back when Palworld had its initial surge in popularity in January, it attracted allegations that the models used for some of its creatures were close to being rip-offs of established Pokemon. Things even got as far as The Pokemon Company issuing a statement on the matter, asserting that it would “investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts that infringe on intellectual property rights related to the Pokemon”.

Well, according to PocketPair CEO Takuro Mizobe in an interview with Game File, nothing concrete in terms of legal communications or outreaches regarding Palworld potentially infriging on any Pokemon IP has been forthcoming from Nintendo or The Pokemon Company so far.

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