Red Dead Redemption 2 finally gets buyable properties thanks to modders

It’s a feature that Red Dead Online players have requested almost since the game’s launch, but the ability to purchase properties in Red Dead Redemption 2 – aside from the Moonshiner role – has sadly remained a distant dream. While the feature is yet to appear in the game’s online mode, modders have stepped in to finally introduce a properties system to the single-player version of the game on PC: so you can now choose your own little house on the prairie. One without Uncle constantly complaining about lumbago.

The Buyable Properties mod was released by modders Bolmin and “Dick Hertz” last week, and provides players with a selection of purchasable hotel rooms and cabins. It’s a mod intended for use in the game’s epilogue map, and serves as a useful way to spend all your leftover epilogue cash. You can even decorate your house with a variety of interior and exterior upgrades – check out the video below for a demonstration (but spoilers, obviously, for the end of Red Dead Redemption 2’s story):

There are three customisable houses to choose from (based in the Heartlands, near Strawberry and near Rhodes), which are marked on the map with a little “house to buy” sign. While you can have a nap in the houses and use some of the items stored in them, their functionality is a little limited at present – although there are apparently plans to add weapon lockers in the next update. If you want something a little fancier, there’s always the hotel room option, which this mod allows you to buy permanently.

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