Random: Super-Clever AR Hacks Make Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit Really Shine

With the right setup, Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit can be a real blast. If you’ve got the imagination – and perhaps more importantly, the space – it can offer a Mario Kart experience truly unlike any other.

Of course, some creative folk are taking things well beyond the norm, including the annoyingly imaginative people behind YouTube channel Playfool. In the video above, we get to see just how far Mario Kart Live can go if you push the game’s AR abilities to the limits.

We’re talking handmade gates of different sizes, more cardboard cutouts than one could ever hope to cut out, and some super-clever tricks that cause the Mario Kart Live camera to pick up things it ordinarily wouldn’t. Make sure to give it a watch – we’re confident you’ll come away with some new ideas to spice up your Mario Kart Live gameplay at home.

If you want more of this sort of thing, we actually featured Playfool on the site earlier in the year. Back then, the team discovered new ways to play with the LEGO Mario figure without buying lots of different sets.


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