Now that New Pokémon Snap is out and photographers everywhere are diving in, more and more players are discovering the wonders of the game’s Lental region. In New Pokémon Snap, players are tasked with filling out their Photodex, a catalog similar to the Pokédex found in the mainline entries. The region contains various diverse biomes for players to ride along. While those areas certainly contain plenty of scenic vistas, the main attraction is how many different Pokémon they house.

Unlike the Pokédex, New Pokémon Snap’s Photodex fills out as you go, meaning they are numbered in the order in which you can encounter them. This makes filling out a particular level simpler. Because of this, Pokémon and their evolved forms aren’t placed next to one another. If you’re worried your favorite monster didn’t make it, we’ve got you (mostly) covered.
All Confirmed Pokémon Snap Entries So Far
New Pokémon Snap features more than 200 different Pokémon to discover and photograph. Check out all the creatures we’ve encountered to this point in our photographic journey. Just be warned: The following list contains spoilers. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back as we continue to update the list of Pokémon found in New Pokémon Snap!

# | Name |
001 | Vivillon |
002 | Pichu |
003 | Grookey |
004 | Scorbunny |
005 | Bouffalant |
006 | Pidgeot |
007 | Tangrowth |
008 | Emolga |
009 | Wurmple |
010 | Murkrow |
011 | Caterpie |
012 | Heracross |
013 | Pinsir |
014 | Dodrio |
015 | Ducklett |
016 | Swanna |
017 | Bidoof |
018 | Taillow |
019 | Torterra |
020 | Magikarp |
021 | Hoothoot |
022 | Comfey |
023 | Florges |
024 | Combee |
025 | Vespiquen |
026 | Sylveon |
027 | Shaymin |
028 | Meganium |
029 | Eevee |
030 | Pikachu |
031 | Cutiefly |
032 | Bunnelby |
033 | Scoutland |
034 | Starly |
035 | Meowth |
036 | Audino |
037 | Rattata |
038 | Trubbish |
039 | Sudowoodo |
040 | Dedenne |
041 | Aipom |
042 | Bounsweet |
044 | Beautifly |
045 | Arbok |
046 | Yanmega |
047 | Pikipek |
048 | Toucannon |
049 | Ariados |
050 | Morelull |
051 | Slaking |
053 | Liepard |
054 | Wooper |
055 | Quagsire |
056 | Swampert |
057 | Ledian |
059 | Leafeon |
061 | Trevenant |
062 | Espurr |
063 | Shiftry |
064 | Kecleon |
065 | Deerling |
066 | Sawsbuck |
067 | Unfezant |
068 | Drampa |
069 | Pancham |
070 | Bulbasaur |
071 | Serperior |
073 | Bewear |
076 | Lotad |
077 | Espeon |
078 | Celebi |
079 | Milotic |
080 | Wingull |
081 | Exeggutor |
082 | Crabrawler |
083 | Drifblim |
084 | Zangoose |
085 | Seviper |
086 | Bellossom |
087 | Inkay |
088 | Pyukumuku |
089 | Machamp |
090 | Stunfisk |
091 | Octillery |
092 | Corsola |
093 | Finneon |
094 | Clamperl |
095 | Primarina |
096 | Raichu |
097 | Sandygast |
098 | Sharpedo |
099 | Squirtle |
100 | Blastoise |
101 | Lapras |
102 | Mantine |
103 | Pelipper |
104 | Wailord |
105 | Mareanie |
108 | Luvdisc |
109 | Alomomola |
110 | Wailmer |
111 | Cradily |
112 | Lumineon |
113 | Qwilfish |
114 | Clawitzer |
115 | Tentacruel |
116 | Chinchou |
117 | Lanturn |
119 | Frillish |
120 | Golisopod |
122 | Wishiwashi |
123 | Skorupi |
124 | Cacnea |
125 | Sandshrew |
126 | Trapinch |
127 | Flygon |
128 | Kangaskhan |
129 | Mandibuzz |
130 | Minior |
131 | Silicobra |
132 | Torchic |
133 | Heliolisk |
134 | Lycanroc |
135 | Hippowdon |
136 | Tyranitar |
137 | Onix |
138 | Altaria |
139 | Shinx |
140 | Luxray |
141 | Talonflame |
142 | Monferno |
143 | Aerodactyl |
144 | Tyrantrum |
145 | Graveler |
146 | Archeops |
147 | Slugma |
148 | Torkoal |
149 | Charmander |
150 | Charizard |
151 | Typhlosion |
152 | Flareon |
154 | Volcarona |
155 | Furret |
156 | Cubchoo |
157 | Beartic |
158 | Mightyena |
160 | Braviary |
161 | Swinub |
162 | Mamoswine |
163 | Skarmory |
164 | Sandslash |
165 | Abomasnow |
166 | Vulpix |
167 | Delibird |
169 | Frosmoth |
171 | Snorunt |
172 | Glalie |
174 | Jynx |
175 | Spheal |
176 | Piplup |
177 | Vanilluxe |
183 | Crobat |
184 | Joltik |
185 | Geodude |
186 | Carbink |
187 | Gengar |
188 | Noibat |
190 | Croagunk |
191 | Drifloon |
193 | Sableye |
194 | Rampardos |
197 | Mawile |
200 | Steelix |
201 | Houndoom |
202 | Eldegoss |
203 | Natu |
204 | Absol |
205 | Salandit |
206 | Noivern |
207 | Woobat |
208 | Sigilyph |
209 | Beheeyem |
210 | Golurk |
211 | Chandelure |
212 | Umbreon |
214 | Xerneas |
As you may have noticed, we’re missing a few entries, but we will continue to update this as we discover more Pokémon on our journeys. For our full thoughts on New Pokémon Snap, be sure to read our review here.