
PhD research on the choice of roles/lanes in MOBAs and IRL aggression traits – 5 min questionnaire. Would really appreciate your help!

PhD research on the choice of roles/lanes in MOBAs and IRL aggression traits - 5 min questionnaire. Would really appreciate your help!

Hello r/gamers!

We're 2 students at Queen Mary University of London conducting research for our PhD project assignment, investigating the correlation between trait aggression and choice of roles played in MOBA games, specifically Dota 2 and LoL.

We're inviting you to fill in a quick survey/questionnaire to determine your personality and provide us with your Dota ID (Don't worry this isn't your Steam ID), or Riot Summoner's name (so that we can access your public player profile through OpenDota and the Riot API). This is done so that we can determine the roles (Support, Carry, etc) you have played, as well as stats such as total KDA.

The platform is mobile friendly, and all data will be kept anonymous – we will not be publishing any raw data (only aggregate summaries) so you can't be identified whatsoever. We'll keep you updated too on what we find, and we'll be sharing our findings here with the community!

Thank you for your help – It's really appreciated! Just drop me a message if you have any questions.

Link to the questionnaire: https://dla9xnq0he5.typeform.com/to/zUvLmcba


submitted by /u/Dreams01
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