Obsidian’s medieval murder mystery Pentiment gets November release date

Pentiment, the medieval murder mystery RPG from Pillars of Eternity developer Obsidian Entertainment, has been given a release date and is coming to Xbox and PC on 15th November.

Announced back in June, Pentiment is the brainchild of Fallout: New Vegas director Josh Sawyer, and casts players as Andreas Maler, a 16th century artist on the cusp of greatness who becomes embroiled in a murder mystery while studying at Bavaria’s Kiersau Abbey.

“From sneaking into the abbey library late at night to look at secret documents,” Obsidian explains in a post on Xbox Wire, “to playing a round of a tavern’s favourite card game to get information from those who are playing, it’s up to you to choose how to use the precious time you’re given to investigate the suspects.”

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