
No cross-play in co-op shooter Aliens: Fireteam Elite

Aliens: Fireteam Elite sadly won’t let all players enjoy the game together regardless of platform.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite, the co-op shooter from Cold Iron, recently set its sights on a late August release date. Today, the developer clarified one detail that’s undoubtedly going to disappoint many.

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Aliens: Fireteam Elite does not support cross-platform play. Cold Iron confirmed this to Gamespot, adding that cross-generation play will be supported, but only within the same console family. In other words, PS4 players will be able to play with PS5 friends, and the same is true between Xbox platforms, but those parties won’t extend to PC or rival console platforms.

As a co-op shooter, Aliens: Fireteam Elite looks to be a game that’s best enjoyed with a group of friends, so it’s a little strange to see cross-play absent. Doubly so when you consider that Fireteam Elite’s competition, a game like Back 4 Blood, does support cross-platform play – a feature which will be tested in August’s open beta.

The good news is that Aliens: Fireteam Elite does support AI bots, which will fill in for players who disconnect mid-match. The game also offers standard matchmaking, which should hopefully make it easier for players to group up.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite is out August 24 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

The post No cross-play in co-op shooter Aliens: Fireteam Elite appeared first on VG247.


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