Nauticrawl and the pleasure of a screen full of terrifying dials

The New Yorker once ran a page of jokey and imaginary short-lived comic strips. I can only remember one: A Yank in the Luftwaffe. There was the yank in his plane, halfway through a dogfight. “What?” he says, or words to that effect. “The controls are all in German! I’m gonna crash!”

I thought about the Yank in the Luftwaffe for the first time in about twenty years the other day, when loading up Nauticrawl: 20,000 Atmospheres on my iPhone, where it’s just come out. Nauticrawl is, I gather, a narrative roguelike about escaping from some awful society. None of that matters, though, because what it’s really about for your first few minutes is trying to do that escaping when faced with a wall of terrifying dials.

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