
Naughty Dog almost gave Nate a stamina bar in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

The climbing mechanic in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End almost saw lithe hero Nathan Drake come with his own little stamina bar in a bid to give an extra layer of difficulty to the game.

Naughty Dog’s Josh Scherr, who co-wrote A Thief’s End with Neil Druckmann and then went on to co-write The Lost Legacy, was a guest on YouTube channel Couch Soup over the weekend. Here, Scherr shared more about his illustrious career with Naughty Dog (which has spanned over 20 years) and gave some behind the scenes insight into Uncharted 4’s development.

Scherr praised the power of PlayStation 4, and said it was “specifically designed to not be super complicated with a cell processor and six SPUs and all that other crazy stuff”, likening it to a “fancy version of a high-end PC”. This means more time for developers to focus on other areas of a game sooner, such as its story development.

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