
My wallet is currently weeping over The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom soundtrack that costs £230

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom music lovers, I’m sorry to say that the game’s CD boxset is a ridiculously expensive £230.

Last month, a suite of cool Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom merch items were announced by the official Japanese Zelda Twitter account, with one of the most exciting being a massive boxset containing the game’s entire soundtrack. It’s obviously going to be quite the piece to have in any Zelda lover’s collection, and a great way to listen to the soundtrack for those of you out there that hate having to rely on streaming services. A few weeks later and it’s now available to pre-order on Amazon (thanks, Eurogamer), but uh, there’s only one problem – it costs a ridiculously high £230.

Now, admittedly, there’s a whole lot of music here. As mentioned in the product description, there’s a total of “344 songs on 9 CDs, including songs from the game and songs used in trailers,” the total recording time amounting to around 11 hours. That is a whole lot of soundtrack, an amount so large you can’t help but think to yourself “hang on, is there even that much music in the game?” The answer is obviously yes, but it’s still surprising nonetheless.

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