Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC Available Now

Monster Train has launched their new DLC, The Last Divinity, introducing the sixth clan and a seriously huge final end boss. And there’s more, like a whole new resource system called Pac Shards, letting you merge two of your favorite units into one super strong unit.

Let’s focus first on the new clan, The Wurmkin.

Monster Train DLC

This new clan has risen from the depths of Hell to join forces with your 5 original favorites. The Wurmkin Clan is led by two powerful new champions. The Spine Chief uses the power of Charged Echoes to do damage and make compatriots even more powerful and the Echowright can tap into the power of consumable spells in all new ways. Charged Echoes create buffs for the whole floor and bring a completely new gameplay mechanic.

During your runs you will have many new Concealed Cavern Events. Some give temporary buffs and others make you design your own card. Some you will see more than others; the special ones are always rare to encounter.

Monster Train DLC

With the DLC we introduce another new mechanism, Pact Shards. Pact Shards are a brand-new currency; unlike gold, you reap benefits when you GAIN shards rather than when you spend them. But beware the tradeoff, they also enhance the power of your enemies in battles throughout your run. You acquire the Pact Shards in the Shard map nodes on your journey in the Boneshaker. Each ring has one Shard map node, so be sure to look for them.

You can take on more Shards to gain gold, artifacts, or spell upgrades, or to perform a new mechanic called unit synthesis where two monster units are merged into one. For the player this means combining the core powers of any characters to create your ultimate unit. Choose wisely, it can only be done once per unit.

Monster Train DLC

Through using the Pact Shards powers, you accumulate quickly a lot of Shards. If you have gained 100 or more Shards when you defeat Seraph, a new battle unlocks and you can face – The Last Divinity!

You thought your quest to relight the fires of Hell was already done? Think again, a new ominous deity interferes with the ongoing battle between the forces of Heaven and Hell. The true end boss The Last Divinity has revealed itself. It is so huge it can’t be contained to one area and instead imposes itself over all 3 floors at once. This will take a whole new strategy…

Monster Train DLC

And then there is more with new rare clan units, new artifacts, mutators, challenges and deep strategic mayhem. It is all about providing the right amount of complexity to allow for multiple successful strategies.  For all you achievement hunters, we have 3 magnificent mastery card frames to unlock.

We can’t wait to discover which successful strategies you create!

The Last Divinity

Good Shepherd Entertainment


$11.99 $10.79

The Wurmkin Clan The 6th clan has been summoned!
A new clan has risen from the depths of hell to join forces with your five original favorites. The Wurmkin Clan is led by two powerful, new champions: The Spine Chief and the Echowright. The Spine Chief uses the power of Charged Echoes to do damage and make compatriots even more powerful, while the Echowright can tap into the power of consumable spells in all new ways. Charged Echoes create buffs for the whole floor and bring a completely new gameplay mechanic to the already diverse world of Monster Train. Pact Shards Gain new divine powers, but beware of the costs!
Pact Shards are a brand-new currency. Unlike gold, you reap benefits when you GAIN shards rather than when you spend them. But beware the tradeoff: they also enhance the power of your enemies in battles throughout your run. You acquire Pact Shards in the Shard map nodes on your journey in the Boneshaker. Each ring has one Shard map node, so be sure to look for them. You can take on more Shards to gain gold, artifacts, spell upgrades, or to perform a new mechanic, called Unit Synthesis, where two monster units are merged into one. If you have gained 100 or more Shards when you defeat Seraph, a new battle unlocks and you can face – The Last Divinity! The Last Divinity A new danger has awoken to challenge all those who absorb the power of the Pact Shards!
The clans of Hell will need to rally together and support the Wurmkin Clan, as a new, ominous deity interferes with the ongoing battle between the forces of Heaven and Hell. The Last Divinity is so huge it can’t be contained in one area and instead imposes itself over all 3 floors at once. Prepare, as all your previous knowledge and strategy will be pushed to the limit to defeat this last divine force. What will tip the balance?

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Monster Train

Good Shepherd Entertainment


PC Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass

Hell has frozen over. Only you can protect the final burning pyre from the forces of heaven and restore the inferno. Monster Train brings a new strategic layer to roguelike deckbuilding, with three vertical playing fields to defend.
Includes the released updates Wild Mutations and Friends & Foes! No playthrough is ever the same, it’s a fresh challenge every time.
You’ll never play the same deck twice!
* 25 covenant (difficulty) levels
* over 250 cards
* 5 monster clans, each with their own distinct gameplay
* Each clan has 10 levels to unlock, bringing new cards to your deck
* Upgrade your clan champions multiple times
* Challenge your friends to beat your score
Visit powerful locations
To take back hell, you’ll need to power up. Choose your route carefully, different locations yield different benefits; upgrade your champion, recruit powerful units, upgrade cards, gain passive bonuses or duplicate any card in your deck.
Strategize to fit your playstyle
With five clans to choose from, each has its own unique and surprising gameplay. Pick your primary and supporting clan to gain access to all cards from both. During your run you will be able to improve cards by mixing and matching upgrades to open up new roads to victory. You can even duplicate your favorite card at special map nodes before facing off against the final boss. Multiplayer
In the Hell Rush multiplayer mode, eight players compete in a frantic real-time contest. Each player has the same resources and opponents to create a level playing field. With the clock ticking, it’s a test of who can make the best decisions under pressure. Only a true speed demon can remain undefeated. DAILY CHALLENGE
Take on a new challenge every day with a hugely modified run due to gameplay mutators. Compete globally and against friends, and climb the leaderboards with a skill-focused scoring system. CUSTOM CHALLENGE
Design your own unique challenge and share it with friends. Each custom challenge has its own leaderboard so you can send your friends straight to hell.

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