
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak getting four new monsters and more tomorrow

One month after the release of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, Capcom has detailed the expansion’s first free post-launch update, which arrives tomorrow, 10th August, bringing a heap of new additions – including four new monsters – for hardened hunters.

We already knew the Seething Bazelguese and Lucent Nargacuga would be arriving as part of Sunbreak’s first post-launch update, but Capcom has now revealed two more additions in the form of the Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian, with all four becoming available at Master Rank 10.

The Lucent Nargacuga, which returns to the series for the first time since making its unforgettable debut in Monster Hunter Ultimate 3, can reflect the moonlight to turn invisible, and is found in the new Forlorn Arena – a reinterpretation of its original moonlit home.

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