
Listen as we digest the week in Weekly episode two

Welcome to the second Weekly, a new podcast show in which we recap the week on Eurogamer so you don’t have to read it. Hang on! You do have to read it, it’s just that we’ve got your back if you don’t want to. I don’t mean that! I mean if you don’t have time to. God, these posts are a minefield!

Weekly is hosted by me, Bertie, and my guests this week are Martin Robinson, who likes Nintendo games, and Wesley Yin-Poole, who likes FIFA games, which is entirely appropriate as FIFA and Nintendo happen to be big talking points this week. But also Starfield, shocked face!

We also spend some time chewing over the Nintendo Indie showcase, learn about F1 from Martin, who always seems to be talking about that as well, and we talk about dodgy Xbox DRM stopping people playing their games. All that plus a whistle stop tour of the reviews, features and videos that popped up on the site this week. It turns out we actually do some work after all.

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