James Bond Goldeneye homage Agent 64: Spies Never Die gets Steam demo and 2022 release window

We may not have got the James Bond Goldeneye announcement that we were all expecting at Microsoft and Bethesda’s showcase earlier this evening, but we did get another look at something pretty damn close to it at the PC Gaming Show – Replicant D6’s Agent 64: Spies Never Die. And not only did we get to see some more of this glorious gameplay in motion, we also got the news that its demo is now available to download on Steam.

The full game is slated to release sometime this year, although at the time of writing no further specifics were given.

Agent 64: Spies Never Die is all very James Bond GoldenEye a la the Nintendo 64 era, from the music and the weapons to the settings. There is even footage of the shooter – I assume the titular Agent 64 – finishing someone off in a toilet stall. Small me is very happy to see this and will most likely be heading to Steam to download the demo once I have finished work for the evening. You can check out the new trailer for yourself below.

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