
Is there a game you just can’t stop playing?

By our counting, this is episode 84 of the Best Games Ever Podcast. That’s a lot, and probably isn’t accurate. We hope you like listening as much as we like making the show. And with that little bit of friendly chat, it’s time to announce that in a few weeks we’re going to launch an extended version of the show that you’ll have to pay for. “Oh, no,” you say. “Not them too!” you add, as you clutch your wallet and let out a single sob. One tear slowly wipes its way down your cheek.

Right, listen. This is a new segment. We’re not taking anything away from people who just don’t want to pay. Each week Jim will name the game he would have picked if he was allowed to pick a game, and the rest of us will tell him why that is a bad choice (most likely).

The good news is that for this week (and next) we’re giving this new section away completely free of charge. What a bargain! The bad news is that after that it’ll cost you about £30 a year or £3 a month. So when you think about it, it’s not even bad news, given how cheap it is. And we stress, we’re not taking anything away – the core show remains as it was.

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