
Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet may be the next big PS5 game, but to YouTube it’s just priest beef and memes

Good news, fans of big games companies doing things that might eventually lead to something interesting at some vague point in the future: Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed a trademark for ‘Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet’ in the US.

What is Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet, you ask? Well, nobody – likely aside from Sony itself – seems to have a clue, aside from that those are four words the company seemingly fancies having the option to use for something.

Here’s the listing for said trademark, filed on February 12, which Gematsu suggests will be a bit of an out of character move for a modern games company if it does turn out to be the name of a project that’s yet to be announced. We don’t think the name screams the kind of thing that’d necessarily be up the alley of one of Sony’s biggest studios, but it could be something a smaller team under the console maker’s umbrella, such as Returnal developer Housemarque, might do.

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