
Hyrule Warriors: Find Over 60 Unlockable Outfits in Age of Calamity

ImageNameHow To UnlockOutfit1.jpgChampion’s TunicComplete The Road Home, Besieged. (C3)Outfit2.jpgHylian HoodComplete Freeing Korok Forest. (C3)Outfit3.jpgHylian TunicComplete Freeing Korok Forest. (C3)Outfit4.jpgHylian TrousersComplete Freeing Korok Forest. (C3)Outfit5.jpgSoldier’s HelmAvailable from start.Outfit6.jpgSoldier’s ArmorAvailable from start.Outfit7.jpgSoldier’s GreavesAvailable from start.Outfit8.jpgAmber Earrings?Outfit9.jpgWarm Doublet?Outfit10.jpgRuby CircletComplete The Hope of Eldin quest. (Post)Outfit11.jpgSnowquill HeaddressComplete the Fierce Gale of the Riot challenge. (C3)Outfit12.jpgSnowquill TunicComplete The White Bird of Talonto Peak quest. (C5)Outfit13.jpgSnowquill TrousersComplete Revali, the Rito Warrior. (C2)Outfit14.jpgSapphire CircletComplete The Hope of Lanayru quest. (Post)Outfit15.jpgDesert Voe HeadbandComplete the Leave None Behind challenge. (C3)Outfit16.jpgDesert Voe SpaulderComplete Urbosa, the Gerudo Chief. (C2)Outfit17.jpgDesert Voe TrousersComplete the Colorful Kara Kara Bazaar quest. (C3)Outfit18.jpgGerudo Veil?Outfit19.jpgGerudo Top?Outfit20.jpgGerudo Sirwal?Outfit21.jpgTopaz Earrings?Outfit22.jpgRubber HelmComplete the Shocking Design Choices quest. (C2)Outfit23.jpgRubber ArmorComplete the So-Called Knight challenge. (C5)Outfit24.jpgRubber TightsComplete The Hope of Faron quest. (Post)Outfit25.jpgFlamebreaker HelmComplete the Fighting Fire With… quest. (C5)Outfit26.jpgFlamebreaker ArmorComplete Daruk, the Goron Hero. (C2)Outfit27.jpgFlamebreaker BootsComplete the Tough Bulwark of the Gorons quest. (C3)Outfit28.jpgOpal EarringsComplete The Hope of Central Hyrule quest. (Post)Outfit29.jpgZora HelmComplete Mipha, the Zora Princess. (C2)Outfit30.jpgZora Armor?Outfit31.jpgZora GreavesComplete the Armor for Whom? quest. (C6)Outfit32.jpgStealth Mask?Outfit33.jpgStealth Chest GuardComplete Village Training Secrets quest. (C3)Outfit34.jpgStealth TightsComplete The Hope of Akkala quest. (Post)Outfit35.jpgThunder HelmComplete The Hope of Gerudo quest. (Post)Outfit36.jpgClimber’s BandannaComplete the Mountain Rescue challenge. (C3)Outfit37.jpgClimbing GearComplete The Hope of Necluda quest. (Post)Outfit38.jpgClimbing Boots?Outfit39.jpgBarbarian HelmComplete the Anti-Elemental Training challenge. (C5)Outfit40.jpgBarbarian Armor?Outfit41.jpgBarbarian Leg Wraps?Outfit42.jpgRadiant Mask?Outfit43.jpgRadiant Shirt?Outfit44.jpgRadiant Tights?Outfit45.jpgDiamond Circlet?Outfit46.jpgSand Boots?Outfit47.jpgSnow BootsComplete The Hope of Hebra quest. (Post)Outfit48.jpgBokoblin MaskComplete the A Rumor about Skull Lake quest. (C4)Outfit49.jpgMoblin MaskComplete the Cold Desert Nights quest. (C6)Outfit50.jpgLizalfos Mask?Outfit51.jpgLynel Mask?Outfit52.jpgDark HoodComplete the Questionable Escort Mission quest. (C6)Outfit53.jpgDark Tunic?Outfit54.jpgDark TrousersComplete the Fire Hazards challenge. (C6)Outfit55.jpgCap of the Wild?Outfit56.jpgTunic of the Wild?Outfit57.jpgTrousers of the Wild?Outfit58.jpgHyrule Warrior’s CapComplete The Hope of All Hyrule quest. (Post)Outfit59.jpgHyrule Warrior’s TunicComplete The Hope of All Hyrule quest. (Post)Outfit60.jpgHyrule Warrior’s TrousersComplete The Hope of All Hyrule quest. (Post)Outfit61.jpgRoyal Guard Cap?Outfit62.jpgRoyal Guard Uniform?Outfit63.jpgRoyal Guard Boots?

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