Halo Infinite is already vastly superior to Halo 4 and 5

A beta is early days, of course. But let me stick my neck out at least a little here– based on what I’ve played, Halo Infinite is remarkably good.

Obviously there’s a lot of time to go until release. There’s the fact it’s launching in a semi-compromised state, with some modes and features that fans were looking forward to pushed back to future updates. But after many, many hours playing the multiplayer beta over the course of this weekend, one thing is clear: this is the best Halo in ages.

The thing about Halo, for my money, is that the very things that made it special also made it very hard to replicate. Lord knows, people tried. Marketing departments pushed game after game as ‘Halo killers’, and none of them really were. In the end, the things that truly ‘killed’ Halo were nothing to do with making a game that did what Halo did, but better. It was the rise of Call of Duty – an arguably very different game descended from a different breed of game to Halo’s arena shooter roots – and of course the passing of the torch from Halo creators Bungie to 343 Industries.

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