
GTA 6 fans are convinced that a new trailer is going to release on December 27, because the moon and a license plate told them so

The latest mind-boggling theory spreading through the GTA 6 subreddit involves the moon, the identification order for Bonnie and Clyde, and a license plate. Apparently, everything points toward the number 27, which fans think means we’ll finally get a trailer for GTA 6 on December 27.

This theory started on a GTA 6 leaks Twitter account after it broke down a post made by a Rockstar Dev. To an untrained eye, the pictures were just of a Rockstar Games jumper, a paper bag, and a cat. But if you look closer, you can see how the cat hair on the jumper was shaped into a VI, and the phone number on a piece of paper next to the jumper is for a shop called 27 Auto Sales. After this, the account went on the lookout for everything 27 related, and to be fair, there’s quite a lot.

Rockstar Games’ Instagram account currently has 27 posts, 27 seconds into the GTA 6 trailer, you can see a pink car with the number 27 written on the back window, and the license plate of a Los Santos State Trooper car adds up to make 27. Although not every theory is this straightforward.

Some players have taken the 27 theory and run with it in all sorts of ridiculous directions. One player pointed out that there are 27 days in the lunar cycle, which in and of itself doesn’t mean much, but it did bring the old GTA 6 moon theory back into the spotlight.

This involved players theorising that the next trailer will occur on a Waning Gibbous moon, all because someone spotted it in an update for GTA Online. There was also a Waning Gibbous moon on December 1, 2023, the day that the first GTA 6 trailer dropped, leading to players believing that Rockstar Games follows the moon cycle when planning all big releases.

That may sound quite ridiculous, but Red Dead Redemption 2’s first trailer was released on October 20, 2016, and Red Dead Redemption’s first “My Name is John Marston” trailer was released on November 30, 2009; both of these were on a Waning Gibbous moon phase.

However, I personally think that this is evidence that Rockstar likes to make waves at the end of the year rather than painstakingly working to ensure everything lines up with the lunar calendar. But if you’re still a moon believer, then keep your eyes peeled on January 19, 2025, as this is the next Waning Gibbous moon phase.

Coming back down to earthly theories, someone else points out that if you added all the views on the GTA 6 trailer together, then that also gives you 27. But that only lasted for a few minutes until someone else in the world viewed the trailer or the person keeping track accidentally clicked off and back on the video.

GTA 6 cars list

(Image credit: Rockstar)

Another slightly more academic theory uses the general Roman calendar to figure out that VI means December 27, otherwise known as the Feast of St John, Apostle, and Evangelist. This could also mean that we’ll get a St John GTA 6 cameo because, at this point, anything seems possible.

In my mind, one of the most convincing arguments around the 27 theory or the most bizarre coincidence yet was pointed out by player insightangel. Apparently the identification order number for Bonnie and Clyde was 1227. 12.27 does link to December 27, and Bonnie and Clyde have been obvious inspirations for GTA 6’s two protagonists, so to be fair, the reasoning is there.

“At this point, even if Rockstar wasn’t planning to drop something on the 27th, now they have to,” a player says. “[The] 27th is the perfect day.” If nothing gets released in a few days, I’ll be disappointed, mainly because it seems like a waste of a perfectly good theory.

But sadly, there’s a very good chance that this is all just confirmation bias, no matter how badly I want it to be true. There are so many details in GTA 6’s trailer, along with everything else that Rockstar publishes, that it would probably be pretty easy to pick out another random date and find evidence that it could work just as well as December 27, but I’m happy to be proven wrong.


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