
Gotham Knights trailer shows off Red Hood and his definitely non-lethal fighting style

Gotham Knights has steadily been showing us different members of the Bat family, with the latest trailer giving us a look at the rowdy Red Hood.

Batman’s whole deal, typically anyway, is that he doesn’t kill anybody. That obviously has something to do with his own parents being killed, which he didn’t exactly respond to in the most healthy way, but you still, it’s a pretty hard rule. That rule doesn’t apply so much to Red Hood, aka Jason Todd, a former Robin, as you can see in the most recent trailer and the frequency with which he shoots people.

OK so technically if you look at his character page on the official website, he has supposedly “embraced Batman’s non-lethal combat methods,” but his character trailer sure does show him using a whole lot of violent combat methods, and he still does dual wield a couple of pistols.

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