
Fps problems in League of Legends after patch 11.17

Fps problems in League of Legends after patch 11.17

(First of all, I would've posted this in League's subreddit but tech support posts aren't allowed there. Please suggest me other subreddits where I can seek help).

I have been experiencing severe fps problems in Lol after patch 11.17 (or 11.16, not quite sure). My fps is always capped at 144 and it shouldn't budge, however after the mentioned patch my fps dropped to 75. At spawn it is around 103 and after I move, it drops to 75 and stays there for the entire duration of the game.

I had the same issue in early 2021. It got partly fixed by performing a clean boot suggested by riot support. After that my fps hovered around 140-143 fps which was not optimal compared to the performance my computer should be able to put out. I decided to stick with it since there didn't seem to be anything else that could be done.

A few days ago I was playing Lol and out of nowhere my fps stayed 144 for the entire game and I have no idea how that happened. The only thing I did differently was that I opened Minecraft while being in the loading screen. Shouldn't it lower the fps instead of fixing the entire issue? (It only lasted for that game. My fps returned to 75 even after trying to recreate the scenario in several other Lol games).

So what have I done to try and fix the issue?

  • re-install Lol
  • update drivers
  • initiate full repair from the client
  • clean boot

I'd prefer no to contact riot's support right away since the last experience did little no good.

My other games are running as they're expected to, which indicates the problem is in the game itself.

Here is a picture of my pc's components:


submitted by /u/milkku4
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