
Fortnite Telescope & Black Helicopter locations | Where to repair damaged telescopes and investigate the downed black helicopter

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 is due to wrap up very soon, with Season 7 launching on June 8th. The new Foreshadowing questline aims to bridge the gap and advance the story.

There are five parts to this questline, requiring you to complete a series of Epic Quests in a given order. Fortunately, you don’t need to do all of them in a single match.

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Currently, there are two active quests in this storyline, with the other three expected to go live with next week’s final Season 6 update.

Key locations for the currently active quests are marked on the map below. A yellow circle marks out a telescope location, while the green circle shows the location of the Downed Black Helicopter.

You can find more details on how to complete each quest step-by-step below:

Where to Repair Damaged Telescopes in Fortnite

There are five damaged telescopes located all around the map, and you need to repair all of them in order to complete the quest. You can do this across multiple matches. You need 20 Metal per telescope to carry out the repairs.

All of these telescopes are set up in places where you might reasonably expect them to be: on high ground and/or near the coast.

There’s one on the Lighthouse island to the northeast of Stealthy Stronghold. It’s on a clifftop on the island’s southwest corner, overlooking Coral Castle.

Another can be found in the Craggy Cliffs area. Head northwest of the radio tower to the very edge of the cliffs. The telescope is partly hidden behind some rocks there.

There’s one on the small mountaintop to the southeast of Retail Row.

Another is right on the coast, south of the mountain range that separates Catty Corner from the ocean. It’s in a small makeshift campsite overlooking Shipwreck Cove.

(Note: There’s a building nearby with a different model of telescope on its observation deck. Ignore this: it’s not part of the challenge.)

Finally, there’s one on the very tip of an outcrop of coastline southwest of Sweaty Sands, directly across the bay from Fort Crumpet and overlooking a small island chain.

Where to Investigate Downed Black Helicopter in Fortnite

To investigate the downed black helicopter, head to an area of the map that’s north of Misty Meadows and west of Lazy Lake.

The helicopter crash site almost dead centre between a main road to the west, an island to the south, and a strip of primal wilderness to the east.

Once you reach it, press the interact button to Tune the helicopter’s radio.

There doesn’t seem to be much method to this part; just skip backwards and forwards through the channels for a few moments until an India Oscar radio message appears onscreen and the quest marks itself as complete.

Where to Use CB Radio in Fortnite

This quest isn’t available in the game yet. Expect it to pop up in the weekly update on June 1st.

Where to Place Warning Signs at Crop Circle in Fortnite

There’s only one location for this quest: Colossal Crops. This quest isn’t available in the game yet (expect it to go live with the weekly update on June 1st), but if you visit Colossal Crops you can already see an area has been cleared for it.

Where to Destroy Spooky TV Sets in Fortnite

This quest isn’t available in the game yet. Expect it to pop up in the weekly update on June 1st.

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