
Evil Dead: The Game Review – A groovy gore-fest, but something is missing

Evil Dead: The Game is an affectionate love letter to Sam Raimi’s horror franchise and its mass of loyal fans. I’ll hold my hands up and immediately say that I feel indifferent towards the Evil Dead movies. While I’m a horror devotee through and through, my love lies with the crass nature of Rob Zombie movies when it comes to those delicious horror/camp crossovers. That being said, I have a huge appreciation for the work of Sam Raimi, and was still incredibly interested to see just how the direction of his movies would be applied to an asymmetrical horror game.

Despite my interest in the game, my hopes were never that high: the last multiplayer horror game that I played – Back 4 Blood – inspired one of the biggest feelings of disappointment I’ve ever experienced when it comes to games. Yes, really. So this time, despite the two games being very different, I couldn’t help but expect more of the same; they’re both horror-focused, multiplayer games coming from developers with patchy histories. You understand my caution, right?

But I was pleasantly surprised by Evil Dead: The Game. It felt as though the title had learned from previous mistakes in the genre, for the most part. There’s also no need to fear that a lack of love for Evil Dead is going to dampen your enjoyment – the game is playable and parseable in its entirety even if you know nothing of Ash and friends; you’re just going to have multiple punchlines fly over your head.

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