
Everything You Can Do During the Animal Crossing Thanksgiving Event

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This page is part of IGNs Animal Crossing: New Horizons Wiki guide, which details everything you need to know about the upcoming Turkey Day Thanksgiving Event, along with a breakdown of all of the ingredients and recipes needed to help Franklin complete his dishes in order to earn exclusive Turkey Day DIY Recipes and Items.

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As the name suggests, Turkey Day will take place on the American Thanksgiving holiday from 9:00am to midnight on 26 November, 2020.

It’s important to note that as of the v1.6.0 update, all new holiday events are time locked, meaning you can not time travel to these events before they are actually set to occur.

For more information on Time Traveling to Turkey Day and Toy Day, check out our helpful guide below:

How to Prepare for Turkey Day

Orange, Green, Yellow and White Pumpkins will play a part in the Turkey Day event.

To ensure your Pumpkins are ready for Turkey Day, start preparing them now. If you need a Pumpkin Refresher, check out our helpful Pumpkin Growing guide that covers everything you need to know, such as How to Grow Pumpkins, How to Get Pumpkin Starts, and also explaining the different Pumpkin Color Types.

For more information on Pumpkins, click the link below to learn more:


On Turkey Day, you will find Franklin by his cooking table in the town plaza, just outside of Resident Services as he begins preparing for the Harvest Festival.

For more details on Finding Franklin during Turkey Day, check our guide build.

Whether it’s Clam Chowder, Pumpkin Pie, Fish Meunière, or secret ingredients, we have you covered with our complete Turkey Day recipes list that are available to complete on November 26.

For more in depth details, don’t forget to check out our Turkey Day Recipes guide below.

As Franklin’s assistant on Turkey Day, it will be your responsibility to help him prepare his dishes. In order to do so, you will need to gather four ingredients – three main ingredients and one secret ingredient to enhance the dish.

Franklin will provide hints for three of the ingredients, and will only provide vague clues for the fourth. Thankfully, Franklin will share some of these secret ingredients with your fellow villagers, so you may want to pay some extra attention to what your villages say during the Turkey Day event.

Once you have successfully delivered all of the required ingredients for the recipes, Franklin will begin cooking the dishes.

As a reward for helping Franklin cook the four regular dishes, you will receive four non-craftable Turkey Day themed items, along with eight Turkey Day themed DIY recipes upon successfully adding secret ingredients to all four dishes..

For a look at the complete list of Turkey Day items, click the following link:

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