
DICE comments suggest rumoured Battlefield 2042 Season One start date is true

Battlefield 2042 players looking for some hard news about DICE’s plans for the future of the game or any hints about upcoming content, will be disappointed to learn that we might not be getting any of that for a while.

Though the embattled developer did post its first official word in 2022 earlier this week, much of it wasn’t particularly well received. DICE announced and released a small new Battlefield 2042 patch, made a few adjustments to XP earn rate in Portal, and showed off a new scoreboard design that’s set to arrive in mid-to-late February as part of a bigger patch.

Unfortunately, the developer did not bring up any of the myriad of design problems many players take issue with. We also didn’t get any hints about what new content we can expect, an estimated date for when Season One might begin, or really anything to stop the most cynical from declaring Battlefield 2042 dead.

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