
Diablo 4 seemingly won’t have Diablo Immortal’s scummy monetisation

Diablo 4 is officially out next year, and now the head of the series seems to be reassuring players that it won’t have Diablo Immortal’s monetisation systems.

To say that Diablo Immortal has caused some controversy might be an understatement, as it currently has the lowest user score of all time on Metacritic. This is due to the wave of negative reactions the game has been receiving over the game’s plethora of shady microtransactions. However, head of Diablo at Blizzard Rod Fergusson seems to be attempting to reassure fans that Diablo 4 won’t be like that.

Following the latest trailer at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase, Fergusson put out a tweet clarifying some things about Diablo 4. “To be clear, D4 is a full price game built for PC/PS/Xbox audiences,” he wrote.

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