Destiny 2 Warlocks dominate as they head towards their first guardian games win

The Guardian games are well underway in Destiny 2, the annual olympics-esq competition that pits each class against each other over the span of three weeks, and it looks like Warlocks are the current favourites to win the whole thing.

Logging into Destiny 2 right now, banners representing the progress of each class are clearly seeable at The Tower, and they hint at a big W going to the game’s intergalactic sorcerers. In second place come the Titans, who are performing admirably. Last place are Hunters, who are currently getting stomped out by the tag team effort of the aforementioned classes.

As you can imagine, the Destiny 2 community hubs are filled with celebration from Warlock players revelling in their exceptional performance. This of course includes some fairly entertaining memes, tasteful posing next to the class banners, and some amazing art too! Reddit user RomanBlue is one such creative mind, who posted their Guardian games poster which shows a Warlock triumphantly reaching for the gold.

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