
Cyberpunk 2077 Street Cred | Bounties, Organised Crime Activity, Assault-in-Progress

Your rep gets you a long way in Night City, and as your notoriety grows in Cyberpunk 2077, so does your Street Cred.

Alongside your regular XP bar in the top left corner or the screen, there’s another nice green one, perched on top like the jaunty trilbies you loot from expired gangsters – this is your Street Cred XP.

There are a few things that are specifically locked by your Street Cred, including some of Cyberpunk 2077’s best weapons and lucrative gig opportunities, so it’s well worth investing a little time into raising your level.

What does Street Cred do in Cyberpunk 2077?

Basically, Street Cred has a couple of main functions in Cyberpunk 2077:

  • Unlocks new stock at Ripperdocs and vendors around Night City
  • Improves your relationship with the varied roster of Fixers

When you open up the trade menu at a shop, a lot of items will likely be crossed out. These might be items you’re lacking the funds to stump up for or, if they’re marked with a green “SC”, are things you need more Street Cred to equip.

This includes some of the most fun and interesting Cyberware items in the game. The basic Rare Mantis Blades and Gorilla Arms for instance require 20 Street Cred, while the Epic versions need 25 Street Cred and so on.

Levelling up your Street Cred quickly lets you make use of these upgrades earlier in the game, which is only ever a good thing.

Also, when you reach a new Street Cred level, you might notice at the bottom of the pop-up it says “Gigs Unlocked” then a number.

Gigs are lucrative side contracts dished out by Night City’s many fixers across all districts of Cyberpunk 2077.

These combat and stealth-heavy missions task you with becoming a hitman, stealing a precious object, sabotaging a rival gang, or other illicit activities.

They’re great diversions from your main quests and let you build up the funds to purchase big-ticket items.

How to get more Street Cred in Cyberpunk 2077 with Bounties, Organised Crime Activity, and Assault in Progress events

You’ll naturally accrue more and level up your Street Cred as you play through Cyberpunk 2077, but if you want to grind out more efficiently, you’ll have to turn bounty hunter.

When you scan particular enemies, you’ll see an additional pop-up showing their criminal record in Night City, and the price on their head.

As well as a small cash bonus from the NCPD, you’ll earn Street Cred for defeating that enemy.

They appear all throughout the city, in gigs and side quests, and in main missions as well. However, if you want to intentionally search more out, try looking for Assault in Progress and Suspected Organised Crime Activity world events.

Not only do these also reward you with cash and a chance at Iconic blueprints, but often feature tons of wanted enemies to grind up your level with.

For more on Cyberpunk 2077, here’s how to solve Breach Protocol hacking puzzles easily.

Or if it’s story choices you’re mulling over, here’s everything that can happen in The Pickup.

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