
Cyberpunk 2077 Cars: vehicles list and how to buy or unlock cars & bikes

There’s a whole lot of ways to get around in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 is part traditional RPG, part open-world city roamer in the vein of Grand Theft Auto. That latter part means there’s a lot of vehicles on the streets.

In Cyberpunk you can just steal cars, just like in GTA – but there are downsides. For one, stealing any car requires a certain level of Body Attribute – a measurement of the strength needed to drag the car’s owner from the driver’s seat. On top of that, cars you steal aren’t really yours. They do nothing for your street cred rating, and also can’t be summoned at will, which is a pain.

In order to do those things, you’ll need to own one. You’ll start out in Cyberpunk 2077 owning one car – the Archer Hella EC-D. This a fine vehicle for the early stages of the game, but pretty soon you’ll likely want something a bit quicker – and a bit more outlandish-looking.

How to get new vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077

Naturally, you can obtain new vehicles in a few different ways. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to get any vehicle other than the starter Hella EC-D until you’ve completed the first act of Cyberpunk 2077’s story, which culminates in your heist with Jackie.

After that, you can obtain cars and bikes in a few different ways, which we’ll explain quickly below. Keep in mind that a few vehicles are exclusive to certain lifepaths.

Earning new cars and bikes through quests

Some new cars and motorcycles will naturally come as you complete the game’s content. For instance, completing the “Life During Wartime” main quest in the main story will unlock V their first motorcycle.

This is nice and early in the game, and from there a range of side jobs and even hidden quests (the blue markers on the map) can unlock cars. Some quests, meanwhile, will unlock cars for purchase. Speaking of…

How to buy cars and bikes in Cyberpunk 2077

Once you’re out of the first act of the game and have completed the heist, you’ll be turned loose on a more open Night City, with pretty much all of Cyberpunk’s content open for you to explore. That also includes buying cars.

To buy a car, it’ll first need to be offered to you. Cars unlock in three primary ways: when visiting an area, through street cred, and through side quest completion.

When a car is available for you to purchase, the fixer of the area where that car is found will send you a text message the next time you enter that area. The car will then be added to your map and quest log, appearing as if a quest. You can hover over the icon on the map to see the car’s price, which varies massively from a few thousand Eddies up to tens or even hundreds of thousands.

So, for instance, one car might simply require you to enter the area where it is waiting for you – such as the Badlands – and then it’ll immediately be offered for sale to you. Others will require your street cred to be at a certain level, then trigger when you enter its home area with a high enough street cred. Finally, some will be triggered for sale upon completion of some quests.

If you’re after the Quadra Turbo-R, the sick car from all of the game’s marketing, keep an eye out for the “Life’s Work” gig, which is found in the Vista Del Ray region. Completing that quest leads to the “Sex on Wheels” quest, where you’ll have the chance to then grab that car.

Cyberpunk 2077 Cars List:

  • Archer Quartz EC-T2 R660
  • Archer Hella EC-D I360
  • Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson
  • Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar
  • Herrera Outlaw GTS
  • Makigai Maimai P126
  • Makigai Supron FS3
  • Mizutani Shion MZ2
  • Mizutani Shion Coyote
  • Porsche 911 Turbo
  • Quadra Turbo-R 740
  • Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech
  • Quadra Type-66 (4 variations)
  • Rayfield Aerondight Guinevere
  • Rayfield Caliburn
  • Thorton Colby C125
  • Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (2 variations)
  • Thorton Colby “Little Mule”
  • Thorton Galena G240
  • Thorton Mackinaw MTL1
  • Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate
  • Villefort Alvarado V4FC 580
  • Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor
  • Villefort Cortes Delamin No. 21
  • Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight

Motorcycle List: every bike in Cyberpunk 2077:

  • Arch Nazare (3 variants)
  • Brennan Apollo (2 variants)
  • Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X

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