
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 cut ending mystery looks to have been solved after 13 years

What looks to be a previously-unseen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 post-credits scene has been uploaded to YouTube after 13 years, solving a mystery surrounding unused audio in the game’s files, and offering a bleaker coda to the hugely-popular shooter’s campaign.

Infinity Ward’s first Modern Warfare 3, released in 2011, famously ends with the trilogy’s main villain Makarov swinging from a rope, after he and hero Price fall through a glass skylight. The credits roll as Makarov’s dead body sways, while an injured Price lights up a cigar. It’s a grim but satisfying conclusion.

But unused sound files suggested there was still more to come – and indeed, after 13 years, fans finally believe they can see what Infinity Ward once intended would follow. Spoilers: it would have been bad news for Price.

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