
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War map Nuketown ’84 coming next week

By Stephany Nunneley, Friday, 20 November 2020 20:45 GMT

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players will get a new map next week.

Nuketown ’84 will drop for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players next week on November 24.

Alongside the map comes some other Nuketown goodness via a weapon bundle.

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To get the Nuketown weapon bundle, everyone who purchases Black Ops Cold War and logs in before December 4, or who play the game at any point online up until 10am PT/1pm ET/6pm UK on November 20, will receive a free Epic Shotgun Weapon Blueprint and nine cosmetic items.

Here’s what’s included:

  •  “Last Stop” Epic Shotgun Blueprint – With this Weapon Blueprint, any enemy who dares to challenge you in close quarters will know it’s the end of the road. This configuration includes a 21.6” Paratrooper Barrel, a 6 RND Tube Magazine, a Milstop Reflex Optic, and a Commando Assembly Stock. When combined, these attachments give the shotgun a faster fire rate, better damage range, increased ammo capacity, slightly quicker speed when aiming and shooting, and a clearer sight picture — all the ingredients needed for a great secondary weapon.
  •  Six Weapon Charms – These six mannequin Weapon Charms are a perfect fit for any long-time Nuketown fan. Pick your favorite well-sculpted hunk – “Chad,” “Thad,” or “Vlad” – or a flawless friend – “Karen,” “Sharon,” and “Bobbi McDaren” – to give your favorite weapon more personality.
  •  “Test Subjects” Sticker – Let your enemies know you’re ready to go nuclear with the “Test Subjects” sticker, which can be slapped onto most weapons in the Gunsmith.
  •   “Nuketown Legend” Emblem and “Omnibus” Calling Card – Spruce up your player profile with some classic Nuketown imagery through the “Nuketown Legend” Emblem and “Omnibus” Calling Card.

Note: when Warzone transitions on December 10 at the beginning of Season One, all these items will be available for use across your loadouts and profile.

If you are just getting started in the game, or have run into trouble, check out our guides on how to decrypt the Operation Chaos floppy disk, and how to narrow down the suspects in Operation Red Circus. Once you are ready for the final missions here’s some tips on how to get the best ending.

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