
Best of 2021: Resident Evil Village, and Steph’s other GOTY pick

Let me be honest with you upfront. I only played a couple of new games this year. Why you may ask? Because I have been obsessed with Pokemon Go. I finally decided to download and play the evil mobile game back in February, and have played it almost constantly since. I finally understand why the game has millions of players and Niantic Games has made billions off it.

I did manage to play one of the year’s biggest games, Resident Evil Village, and one of the most anticipated by nerds like me, Age of Empires 4.

Of the two, Resident Evil Village is my main pick for Game of the Year. I love Resident Evil games, generally, but I was rather disappointed in the last outing. I am not saying Resident Evil 7 was bad, just that it really wasn’t my cup of tea. Village, on the other hand, is a damn good game.

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