Arcade News

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The creator of Owl House is ‘fucking tired of making Disney look good’

The creator of Owl House is ‘fucking tired of making Disney…

Image: Disney This comes after Disney’s support of Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill Continue reading… Source
The Batman movies’ most important villain isn’t Joker, it’s Catwoman

The Batman movies’ most important villain isn’t Joker, it’s Catwoman

Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures From Tim Burton’s Batman Returns to Matt Reeves’ The Batman, she’s more complex, nuanced, and meaningful Continue reading… Source
Battlefield 2042’s delayed scoreboard UI refresh update arrives tomorrow

Battlefield 2042’s delayed scoreboard UI refresh update arrives tomorrow

Battlefield 2042’s delayed 3.3 update, which introduces a refreshed Scoreboard UI alongside a number of bug fixes, will launch tomorrow, 8th March – and the previously announced “exclusive bundle”…
Ava DuVernay’s DC series DMZ takes us to an abandoned New York City in first trailer

Ava DuVernay’s DC series DMZ takes us to an abandoned New…

Image: HBO Max Based on the DC Comic of the same name Continue reading… Source
Battlefield 2042’s new patch finally adds a scoreboard

Battlefield 2042’s new patch finally adds a scoreboard

Image: DICE/Electronic Arts But still no voice chat Continue reading… Source
WWE 2K22 – Review In Progress

WWE 2K22 – Review In Progress

Platform: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC Publisher: 2K Games Developer: Visual Concepts Release: March 11, 2022 Rating: Teen Although WWE 2K22 launches Friday, March 11, review embargo lifted…
Glover Returns To PC This April With “Completely Redone” Port

Glover Returns To PC This April With “Completely Redone” Port

Piko Interactive is resurrecting a long-dormant mascot platformer we’ve not heard from in over two decades. Confirmed in Piko’s Twitter account and a listing on Steam, everyone’s favorite hand…
WWE 2K22 | New Gameplay Today Live

WWE 2K22 | New Gameplay Today Live

Platform: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC Publisher: 2K Games Developer: Visual Concepts Release: March 11, 2022 Rating: Teen Are you ready? WWE 2K22 launches Friday and we’ll…
Dead Space remake gets another airing in new dev livestream this Friday

Dead Space remake gets another airing in new dev livestream this…

EA Motive will be turning down the lights and cranking up the volume for another look at its still-early-in-development remake of Visceral Games’ much-love sci-fi horror classic Dead Space…
Humble’s Best of Boomer Shooters bundle is packed with fantastic 90s inspired FPS games

Humble’s Best of Boomer Shooters bundle is packed with fantastic 90s…

Humble has launched its Best of Boomer Shooters games bundle and it’s probably one of their best value collections yet. If you love old-school first person shooters, you won’t…