At more than 3m downloads in just over 24 hours after Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 7 dropped, you can probably say that the modding tools are popular

Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7 finally added in mod support, and safe to say, it’s quickly proven popular amongst players.

Modding Baldur’s Gate 3 has been plenty popular so far, but it wasn’t until this week’s most recent patch that introduced mod support where it became a lot more feasible. And less than 24 hours after the patch went live, Larian Studios founder and Baldur’s Gate 3 director Swen Vincke shared that more than a million mods had been installed. Just to be clear, there obviously aren’t that many mods available, it’s just the total count across all players installing mods, but it’s an impressive and honestly slightly frightening figure. You all really were desperate to mod the game, huh?

Just a few hours after that though, ModDB and founder Scott Resimanis responded to Vincke to note that the game “just ticked over [three million] installs and accelerating,” so I repeat, you all were desperate to mod the game, huh? The Mod Manager does make it a lot easier to install mods, so it’s no wonder so many of them have been downloaded – you can only imagine how many have been installed since then.

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