
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla | Who is The Vault?

In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, as Eivor seeks an alliance with the ancient settlement of Jorvik, it’s once again time to play detective and uncover the identity of The Vault.

After ridding the town of two nefarious actors, the stakes are raised as the Wolf-Kissed learns of a plot to poison the people of Jorvik at their annual Yuletide feast.

To stop The Vault, they must consider all of the evidence they’ve collected throughout their time in Jorvik, and come to a conclusion.

For the locations of every clue and member of the Order of Ancients, we have a full page, here.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – Who is The Vault?

We know that The Vault is a member of the council of Jorvik, narrowing the suspects to three: Faravid, Audun, and Hjorr.

The three norsemen each have reasons to be suspected.

During the questline, you found a stash of silver underneath the town. And then later in your search unearthed a secret message from Hjorr to a silversmith on his work desk.

At the feast, when you question the suspects Faravid refuses to drink the poison wine.

While Audun also clams up like a chowder, saying he won’t indulge, and that the wine is for the people of Jorvik.

However, if you think back, there’s one suspect who has much more evidence stacked against them.

When you were first investigating the missing Christian texts, you saw Audun and the Abess you later revealed as The Firebrand together at the town archives. Audun even said he was helping her “protect” the books.

Then, when you searched the archives, you saw a shopping list for the feast on Audun’s desk – with Eivor wondering aloud where he got the silver to pay for the items. Not only was Audun pushing for the poisoned feast from the start, but he’s now linked to the stolen silver.

All this evidence is rendered a little redundant though, since if you go into the Order menu and select The Vault, it’s clearly Audun standing there.

This means without doubt that The Vault is Audun.


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