
Apex Legends breaks down new hero Vantage’s abilities in latest trailer

With Apex Legends’ 14th season now coming in fast and its pre-launch promotional push in full swing, developer Respawn Entertainment has shared further details on new hero Vantage – this time focusing on her abilities – ahead of her arrival next Tuesday, 9th August.

Vantage was officially unveiled as Apex Legends’ 22nd hero at the end of July, in a new Stories from the Outlands video introducing her as a young hunter on the snowy planet of Págos, whose mother is an escaped prisoner (wrongly convicted) forced to turn herself in after Vantage is badly injured in an accident.

With the lore dump out the way, Respawn has now turned its attention to detailing what Vantage will bring to Apex Legends in terms of gameplay, revealing her abilities to be based around two core elements: her sniper rifle and her bat-like companion Echo.

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