A Little Golf Journey strips back all the stress of the sport

You’ll know the dusty quote, I’m sure, about golf being a good walk ruined. For all that old adage’s creakiness, though, there’s a kernel of truth to it – which makes A Little Golf Journey’s hyper-relaxed approach all the more tantalising. Here’s a game born not so much from replicating the hard details of golf as it is replicating the fuzzy nostalgia of past takes on the sport, and that’s all about serving up the most relaxing time possible.

It’s born from a fascinating place, too. You might have played Little Golf Journey’s predecessor Okay Golf when it came out on mobile back in 2017 – a stylish, smart and breezy thing, its direct and no frills take on golf provides the firm foundations for developer okidokico’s follow-up. But now that they’re heading from mobile to console – A Little Golf Journey being slated for Switch and PC later this year – they’ve done something surprising. They’ve gone more casual yet, and I for one am here for it.

“I think there was a desire, given the circumstances outside of these windows, to lean into the relaxing aspect even more,” says okidokico’s Moussa Khan. “I’ve played a total of one round of golf. It was not relaxing. It was a company tournament at CCP and there was a lot of booze. There were a lot of ‘fores’…

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