Tactical Breach Wizards review – whip-smart design with a generous spirit

Suspicious Developments’ latest builds a witty, wonderfully generous adventure around a smart, rewarding, and endlessly imaginative turn-based tactics core.

Tactical Breach Wizards starts with a bang – literally. Each mission, and even the game itself, begins with a flash of magic and the splintering of wood as doors are blown off their hinges with an endlessly satisfying boom. It’s a stylish opener that never loses its air-punch thrill, a wonderfully cool moment in a game brimming with them – and just one of the things that makes Suspicious Developments’ turn-based tactics game positively crackle with wit, energy, and charm.

We should probably start with the wizards though. Welcome to a world where magic-wielders are, if not exactly commonplace, far from clandestine. It’s a world where Freelance Storm Witches moonlight as private investigators, where Necromedics can cure anyone of anything as long as they kill them first, where the military employs Navy Seers for their surprisingly useful one-second foresight, where the church has its own oppressive anti-magic police force, and where Traffic Warlocks are called Steve. There’s some stellar world-building in Tactical Breach Wizards, as it blends urban fantasy with taut espionage thrills and military conspiracy, and it’s further enriched by its lovable cast of magical misfits, its warm, witty dialogue, and a surprisingly gripping central yarn.

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